I’ve worked with Sean regularly for a number of years, focussing on relationship building, problem solving and general business development ideas.
Sean says, “Coaching for me is simply having objective support through the usual stresses and strains of running your own business. I appreciate the fact that Lucy has many years of business experience behind her too, as well as a background in sales, so I know she is a source of sound advice. The notes she sends after each session really help clarify what we’d discussed and provide actions to follow up which keep progress on track.
Coaching enabled me to see things from different perspectives. I actually gained clients and won new business because I was encouraged to change my approach or challenge my beliefs.”
So much of the work I do with clients is around personal time as much as business objectives. For me, it’s about helping further career goals whilst taking care of individual wellbeing too. I always hope that the value of my coaching extends beyond our sessions and into habit-forming life changes where the benefits can be felt long term.
Sean says, “Lucy taught me to stop and reflect. Committing to coaching forces you to take the time to take stock and talk about things and I have found that routine hugely beneficial. I now do this independently because I’ve realised that when you pause and look back, it always sparks some useful insights. I would say that even if you aren’t sure coaching is for you, the opportunity it brings for reflection in the midst of the rat race is invaluable for any business.”