4 Years and Counting | Transform & Thrive
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4 Years and Counting

Something rather momentous happened recently. I consigned my faithful old laptop to the wastelands of technology, replacing it with a shiny new upgrade. This may not sound like a big deal, but that cantankerous old laptop has been with me since the very beginning of my adventure with Transform & Thrive. For the past 4 years it has travelled with me up and down the country and overseas, playing a significant supporting role as I delivered courses, seminars, webinars and coached clients around the world. It was my stalwart companion on those long never-ending nights spent working on my dissertation. In fact, that might have been what finally finished it off!

But this isn’t just a melancholy post about my old laptop. As I went through the painstaking process of backing up all my work, notes, course outlines, research and presentations, I was struck by how much has changed and how far I’ve come in those 4 years.

The Ultimate Test

Making the leap from the security of full time employment into the world of freelancing put my resilience and growth mindset to the ultimate test. Particularly when I decided to throw a Masters degree into the mix as well. It hasn’t always been plain sailing, but I like to think that my grit and passion have got me to where I am today. A Masters level coach and qualified Positive Psychologist with a proven track record of driving success, my own and that of others, through wellbeing.

New Colleagues

Over the past 4 years, I’ve had the privilege of working with some wonderful people. Although I am hired as a wellbeing expert, coach and trainer, I continue to learn so much from the organisations I work with, who are committed to the principle of wellbeing as an integral part of their success.

I’d like to say a special thank you to the businesses and organisations that have made me part of their team and embraced the values of wellbeing with such enthusiasm.

  • Price & Myers
  • Middle Temple
  • The Bar Council
  • CABA
  • ICE Benevolent Fund
  • RICS (royal institute chartered surveyors)
  • Public Health England
  • Prostate Cancer UK
  • Hailo cabs
  • Wellbeing Associates
  • Koru Development
  • The Centre
  • Geda Construction
  • Rentokil Initial

Similarly, I’ve been inspired by the 100’s of coaching clients I’ve worked with. It takes commitment and no small amount of bravery to honestly challenge and evaluate the way you live your life.  I’m inspired daily by their drive and ambition to push themselves, achieve their goals and make positive changes for themselves and the people around them.

Looking to the Future

Now, as I get to work on my new all singing, all dancing laptop, I’m excited about what the next 4 years might bring. Who will I meet next? What new plans, projects and ideas will I help to make a success? I can’t wait to get started.

What does your future look like? Get in touch to find out how coaching with me could help you get to where you want to be.

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